Plug into an Outreach Ministry and live out the great commandment: Love God, Love Others!
We are headed to the Dominican Republic! May 30-June 6! This will be an evangelism focused mission trip with the goal of sharing the love of Jesus through our personal testimonies, meeting needs, and hosting a family event in the park! We will also be working with a local orphanage. If you'd like to be a part of this trip, please contact the church office. Space is limited.
We want to love on our neighborhood by getting to know them on a personal level. We want to pray for them, help out where we can, and spread the Gospel right here at home!
Our Food Pantry and Clothes Closet are always looking for donations and/or volunteers to help sort and organize. Contact the church office today to find out how you can help!
We need some friendly folks to greet visitors and members before Sunday School and Worship Service. Welcome them with a warm handshake, answer any questions, and help them find a class or a seat!